Therapist mentioned zodiac signs during our last session
Kind of funny though but my therapist recommended that I go to a doctor to get my thyroid and hormone levels checked. When I went to do this the doctor told me that he thought it was unnecessary and that I was clearly bipolar. They did my tests anyway and found nothing of note (I'm actually healthier than I was expecting).
When I went back to my therapist he suggested that perhaps I am a Gemini. When I said I wasn't, he said that perhaps I had a rising sun of Gemini (or something like that). Well, I guess my point is that my mental doctor said this is purely physical to which my physical doctor said this was purely mental to which my mental doctor said this is surely astrological. I guess I benefited from the overreach of the physical doctor into the mental forray here (because he used science to get there) as he was very correct and his medications for it have had a tangibly positive effect on my life. But I sort of wish my mental doctor would also play around in the mental space and I didn't have to rely on third parties to diagnose me.
Nevertheless, I've enjoyed my therapist's insights. I do think he's a little stupid and isn't as therapy-minded as he should be, also that he's too goal oriented for me. Buuuttttt I was going to therapy largely out of curiousity and when your work insurance suddenly covers it, it's like, might as well check it out. So, I'm just enjoying the new experience. Wasn't expecting it to actually be fruitful, even indirectly, but it has been!
Put that way, it does make me a little curious about having a therapist who'd be more keen on mental illness and (not to be mean) science. I do think zodiac stuff is cool but it's not real. Like, it's super duper not real. If it were real I'd kill myself. Like, imagine learning that you've been wholly defined by what stars your dad cummed under. But, like, also, like, imagine being a therapist and noticing that your patient seems to have two major mood states that they swing between and being like "woah, this individual seemingly has two seperate emotional polarities. Some sort of di-state...Ah, not unlike the star twins!" like, man, that's your job. Your job is to not say "what if ye be the sum of yer stars?"
Anyways, he was close! If he wasn't so zodiac pilled then he probably would have noticed! I love my medical doctor, he's a cool guy. Super smart and soft spoken but knowledgeable and, like, isn't that sort of the ideal husband?
THAT'S something worth talking about at therapy! I don't give a shit that he's over fourty years older than me! He made me feel stupid so I want him!
"Ah, the desire to have your purity protected by an older, stronger man. Surely you align with the chakras of the astrological virgin. Yes, ye be a Virgo rising...!"
I went to do my full zodiac chart because I thought it'd be fun. I was immediately stopped by the fact that I don't know when or where I was born. I know the date (though I get that wrong sometimes too lol) but who fucking knows what city or what time of day it was when they were born. See, zodiac shit is done by kids who know where they birth certificate is and that is why we do not get along. You put that shit in a drawer and forget about it. I'm not going through that shit to find out when or where I was born. I don't even know what state I was in, my best two guesses are twelve hours apart