The web site of cutdoctor

Strange Dreams


I rarely have strange or particularly evocative dreams, yet, I've tagged this website as 'dreams'. Isn't that weird? It's a bit assumptive at best, and a bit of a lie at worst. Nothing much, in reality.

I was reading a discussion on CG Jung, someone of particular interest though that's unrelated to my point, and it was a largely cynical view of him. Disparaging of his views, beliefs, actions and statements. I don't find this wholly unwarranted, I don't find this unwarranted on any psychologist of his era honestly. They did and said a lot wrong, if you go looking for yourself in the writings of a psychologist you'll most likely find yourself feeling misrepresented and insulted. It's not something I'd suggest doing.

That being said, I tend to not mirror these sentiments despite any accuracy because they tend to kinda ignore the whole picture. Freud is a common target for this, largely because his writings are simple and most people are aware of a good number of them. It lets even people who hold no interest in the topic hurl a good few apt stones, yet, the ruler they most-use to highlight his shortcomings is based in modern psychology and this ignores that they only know so much about him due to him being so foundational to the very field. I was going to reference TV Tropes' "Seinfeld is Unfunny" trope, but they nuked it for some other shit, who cares that's all I had to say on it.

My point being, Jung was getting bashed to shit! He has some grounds for it, he said some shit, sure! But, man, he was getting torn to shreds by some poor faith arguments. The extent of this got so bad that I read people shitting on his dreams! The shit he has at night against his will! Who does that? Fucking Freddy Krueger Ebert strolls in the forums and has some shit to say!

The brunt of this was that they didn't fully believe that he had such mystical fantastic dreams. While I have plenty of reservations about the guy, I don't think he was ever lying or saying something to trick or manipulate. Least of all his dreams. "Who dreams like that?" "That's now how dreams work!" were the gist of these arguments, truth-be-told I get this feeling anytime someone relays their dream to me. My dreams are so milquetoast that my memory has, on occassion, pulled from them as if they were real. I have in fact looked for snacks that I didn't have because I rememeber eating them soon before realizing that I had only dreamt about eating them. Yeah, I dream about eating snacks.

Personally, I believe that he had such weird occultic dreams simply because he was a weird occultic guy who had weird occultic thoughts and lived a weird occultic lifestyle. The dude rattles on about dreams more than anything, that alone is bound to influence your dreams, right? Well, to that end I wanted to create a dream journal on this very site! I thought that if I focused more and more on my dreams that they'd become more interesting. Before I knew it though I wound up creating fifty different fucking pages on this site that are so fucking labryinthian to navigate (not spell checking labyrinthian). So I sorta discarded that desire...Until!

Yes, that's right Diary. I had a strange dream last night!

I dreamt that I was with my immediate family and we were shopping. Walking in the middle of the road to get from one place to another. Each place was less like a shop and more like another seperate part of a mall. That may not be too interesting but every time we crossed the road I'd get hit by another car and lose a limb. Every lost limb would be replaced by a limb I'd just find. In the end, I was a mismash Frankenstein type deal who had largely swapped race and sex.

I think only my head was still the same. For better or worse...

This dream was in fact influenced by my thoughts. Mutliation-y things have been in my head a lot lately and swapping body parts was an element of a short story I recently wrote! I think the largest element at play was that I had gone over 24 hours without sleep and the last time I slept was both very unsatisfying and very short. I believe that exhaustion caused me to dream something so odd and enveloping, like, the deeper you sleep the better you dream or something. Anyways, it was very fun to dream that.

Perhaps I'll put a dream journal on the site after all?

Edit 6/30/24: I've added a dream journal! I might need to make a site navigation guide at some point! (especially because there's more pages I want to make) For now, let's all struggle and get lost together!!!

I've also learned how to make divs with scroll bars now...That'd be useful for these since you're not really meant to see the background loop...